In May of this year, Sharpe’s Occupational Health & Safety Management (OH&S) System was third party certified to AS/NZS 4801:2001. This OH&S management system, certified by BSI, has been designed to be integrated with our existing management systems.
Sharpe understands the importance of the health and safety of its employees. The cost of work-related illness or injuries can take a heavy toll and have major operational impacts on the day-to-day running of a business if not managed correctly. Sharpe has mitigated OH&S hazards and risks by incorporating a “Zero Harm” culture to the OH&S management system. The audited system has clear policies and objectives backed up by approved procedures. The system identifies individuals responsible and measures in place to monitor and assess its effectiveness.
Sharpe has also allocated human and financial resources to prevent and respond to possible emergencies at its sites.
The third party certification aims to give our clients confidence that our Management System is successfully implemented.
Our certification can be viewed here.